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Rev. Morris Janssen
Ely Gospel Tabernacle
of the Old Testament tell us that in the end time Jerusalem will be
compassed with armies. The prophet Ezekiel Chapters 38-39
mentions that the armies of the north will come against Israel and
cover it as a cloud, but that God will help Israel and that all but I 6
of the army of the north will be destroyed. It will take Israel
seven months to bury these dead and because Russia is now
making its war materials out of wood treated with chemical so that
it will be harder then medal but will burn and will provide Israel
with fuel for seven years.
Why does God always seem i~o help Israel and why have they
suffered as no other nation? God said to Abraham "I will bless
them that bless Thee, and curse him that curseth Thee." Gen.
12 ::L God is faithful to his promise.
They have s~'fered because of their rejection of Christ. When
Pilate said "l am innocent of the blood of the just one," the Jews
cried out "His blood be upon us and our children." Matt. 27:24,25.
The laws that God gave to Israel included special laws
concerning the treatment of strangers:
"You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him, for you were
strangers in the land of Egypt" (Exodus 22.21 )
"Love the sojourner, . .for you were sojourners in the land of
Egypt" (Deuteronomy 10.16 )
"You shall not pervert the justice due to the sojourner...But you
shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt and the Lord your
God redeemed you from there." ( Deuteronomy 24.17 )
The law of Moses commanded the Israelites not to oppress the
stranger. Beside the negative command, there was a positive
command: love~he sojourner. Welcome him, extend a hand of
Of ihe present war in the mid-east Bishop Fulton Sheen is friendship tohim,accepthim as one of your own.
recently to have said this may be the war of the end. The prophets - When one stranger or a new group of people come into your
as Israel has been judged for 1,q~,, years because of what they
have done with Christ, so ~'ill we. For we must all appear before
the judgement seat of Christ." lI Cor. 5:10. Before Him shall be
gathered all the nation: and He shall separate them as a shepherd
separated his sheep from the goat" Matt. 25:32. Rev. 20:11-15
speaks of great white throne judgement and Christ opening the
books tor judgement.
God will t×~ faithful to His promise "if we confess our sins He is
faithful and just to forgive us of our sins" I John 1:9. "For
whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved"
Rom. 10: 13.
Is Jesus Saviour and Lord of your life? If, not, tomorrow He may
he your judge.
Rev. Morris Janssen, Pastor
Sunday, October 28:
10:00 am. Sunday School
Rev. Jerald E Peterson, Pastor
Sunday, October 28:
11:00 a.m Worship Service 9:30 a .m. Church School
7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 10:45a.m. Worship Service
Service Sermon title: "On Death~and
Mort. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. Prayer Dying"
Wednesday, October 31 :
7:00 p.m. Bible Study
Rev. Lloyd Mattson, Interim
Sun. Oct. 28 - 9:30 a.m. Church
10:30 a.m. Sunday School
7:00 p.m. Thursday Bible Study
Lay-Away for Christmas
midst, whether it be into your country, town, church, school, or
neighborhood, they often encounter difficulties. For their benefit
God commanded special rules.
A stranger often finds it hard to get established in a new location.
Especially if he speaks a different language, has different
customs, clothing, religion or ethnic background from those
around him. These differences set him apart. He may even be
redieuled because of them.
It is easier for the unscrupulous to take advantage of a stranger.
He doesn't know the ways of his new home. He is unfamiliar with
the prices, customs, and laws of the area. He doesn't have friends
in high places that can help him out. He can be taken advantage of
very easily.
People are very comfortable in the midst of their own group of
friends and acquaintances that they have known for a long time. It
is very easy to be friendly only to your friends and forget about
every one else. It is difficult for strangers to enter such groups.
Wlaenever strangers come into our midst, we often feel
threatened by their presence. We question their motives for being
there and wonder what kind of influence they will bring with them.
Will they attempt to change our set ways and our long observed
customs? Will they start to interfere with the way we have
everything arranged~?
As a result strangers are often looked upon with suspicion.
Prejudices arise m this manner. History has countless examples
of people of various ethnic, racial, and religious groups being
persecuted simply because they were different from the rriajority
around them. It is very easy to think of strangers as nameless
members of a crowd rather than as individual human beings.
Jesus challenges us with these questions: "If you love those who
love you, what credit is thal In you? For even sinners love those
who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you,
what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same." (Luke
6.:32-33 J.
In dealing with strangers, the follower of Jesus Christ is called
upon not to ignore them. Rather he is commanded to take the
initiative and break the barriers that separate people and extend
God's love to those around him regardless of who they are.
Once again girls from twelve Ely Girl Scout troops are offering
their services to the good citizens of their town. In April, on KEEP
AMERICA BEAUTIFUL DAY, they were out in droves scouring
the hi~hwaw and the byways, oicking up the litter, haulin~ it t, tho
recycling center or the landfill, and sorting recyelables.
Now, in honor of the October 31st birthday of their founder,
Juliette Low. the GIRL SCOUTS are planning ELY FALL
CLEAN-UP DAY for Saturday, October 27. In addition to the usual
litter pick-up, the Girl Scouts have agreed to deploy Senior Scouts
to help renovate despoiled campsites on Moose Lake and Mile Snowmoblie
expedition leader featured
practice - 5th, 6th, & 7th grades 10:o0a.m. Divine Worship
are invited to join. 6:00 p.m. ACT Halloween
E. H. Schmiege, Pastor
Wed., Oct. 24 - 7:00 p.m.
Evangelism Committee
Kenneth Jackson, Thurs., Oct. 25 - 7:30 p.m.
Cooper, Leader of the Trans-World Snowmobile Expedition.
Cooper will be featured in a fascinating slide presentation at the
Washington Auditorium in Ely, Sunday, November 4, at 7:30 p.m.
The program is sponsored by members of the Ely Indoor Sports
Enclosure and the American Field Service.
In the 19th century explorers of the Artic wilderness traveled by
water as much as possible. The various attempts to be first at the
North Pole were concluded over the polar ice cap by dog sled.
Since 1909 and Robert E. Peary's successful dash by dog sled to the
North Pole from Ellsemere Island, few persons have covered the
distances traveled by Bill Cooper in reaching and traversing the
Artic wastelands. (Wally Herbert, well-known Canadian Artic and
Antartic explorer, is one of these• Herbert's latest feat as leader of
the British Trans Artic Expedition, was to spend sixteen months
with five companions traveling by dog sled from Point Barrow
Alaska to the island of Spitzbergen, passing over the North Pole,
Bill Cooper, a native of Hythe, Alberta, is a licensed Canadian
guide and veteran Artic Traveler. Because his Father never
became a Canadian citizen, Cooper could choose American
citizenship and did so when he joined the armed service in 1951.
Following his tour of duty he became a cross-country trucker and
collected information for the "Truckers Guide, Low Underpasses
and Scales", published in 1963.
Cooper met the snowmobile in 1962 when he and his family
settled briefly in Circle Pines, Minnesota. Later, after he
purchased property in Willow River, which he now calls home, he
and his snowmobile became almost inseparable! Sometime in late
1~8 he first conceived the idea of leading a snowmobile expedition
around the world - even his best friends thought he had lost his
mind !
In February 1971 "crazy" Bill Cooper and two of those friends
made a "trial run" on the Artic - 3250 miles by snowmobile from
Sat., Oct. 27 - 7 p.m. tantici- Party Willow River to Anchorage, Alaska in 14 days - over 200 miles a
patedMass) Tues., Oct. 30 - I0:00 a.m. day, suri~ly some kind of a record. Then began the
Sun., Oct. 28 - 6:30, 8:30, & to LWMLRally-Virginia TRANS-WORLD - first from Forest Lake, Minnesota to Devon
a.m Masses 3:00 p.m. Week-day Religion Island, just south of Ellsemere Island in the Artic. TRANS-
Classes WORLD I1 began where I left off - on Devon Island, then north to
Greenland and the Polar Ice Cap. And this is what the Nov. 4
ST. ANTHONY'S program is all about; during the past three winters Cooper and his
CATHOLIC CHURCH intrepid companions have logged well over 12,000 miles of
Rev. Fr. Rudolph Faith, Pastor snowmobiling IN THE ARTIC. Their adventures sound like pure
Roy. Fr. Several species of the exotic, fiction• Don't miss this once in a lifetime experience, sharing the
Associate Pastor Teachlife Class plants established along road- travels of WILD BILL COOPER. Tickets are now on sale from
Wed., Oct. 24 - 7:15 p.m. (.adult Sat., Oct. 27 - 7:00'p.m. Divine sides by highway departments Arena and AFS members-Adults $2.00-children $1.00. Save
choir practice) New members Worship are crowding out native vegeta- Sunday, November 4 at 7:.30 p.m. for BILL COOPER in the
welcome, especially tenors and Sunday, October 28: tion and causing concern among Washington Auditorium.
basses. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School &wildlife and conservation offi- Ed. Note: BILL COOPER comes to Ely as the result of an
FrL, Oct. 26- 3 p.m. Junior choir Bible Class cials, exclusive interview he gave the ELY ECHO recently. Watch for
the ten-installment series entitled MINNESOTA MARCO POLO,
the adventures of WILD BILL COOPER, starting Wednesday,
November 7 in the ELY ECHO. St. Louis County's largest weekly
s Kmts for s
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} Select from our large shnpment i
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leepwear °oo°
428 E. Sheridan
Ely E~ho Ely. Mn. 55731 Oct. 24. 1973
Island in Fall Lake (at the direction of the Forest
Brownie Scouts to rake leaves for any Senior citizens
(Senior citizens desiring Saturday leaf raking services
Mrs, Belz at 365-3846 or Mrs. Housey at 365-4422).
maY t
The GIRL SCOUTS OF ELY are asking local citizens to s
their HELP YOUNG AMERICA votes for them.
about the Help Young America Contest will be
issues of the Ely Echo. The contest continues through
5 ~East Chapman St.
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now for you, by;
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