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The Ely Echo
Ely, Minnesota
October 24, 1973     The Ely Echo
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October 24, 1973
Newspaper Archive of The Ely Echo produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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£ ,.aummk. o ,,,nmlm...lum~ ,.,anmlua~ .,,llmUr~ .mmnum- ~ ..lumab ..UIBD ,,~UUIID ,lanlnD q ~qlb QQO OO0 O Qo,,,ilnmu~oo,qmD. pumpkins, goblins, and witches, should help force for the Junior High Band Concert a week today, October 31st, not only because of the many prizes by civic minded businessmen, but also because of the soft sell of exposing them to the concert. Watching and Re Junior High band members should motivate some try out for band when they reach 7th grade. Director Bob Nagele is planning a varied program to to a lively audience. The band will play Rossini's delightful Barber of Seville; llarlem Nocturne, an old time of saxophone, played by Margie Stalcar with the and Johann Strauss' Scherz Polka, a lilting number with musical effects. band members can be justifiably proud that the has been invited to perform at the Music Educator's bn in Minneapolis in February. In addition to Ely performances, and encouraging their children Mothers and Dads are aware of the hese out of town trips provide. , we'll see you at the Band Concert. yesterday's Open School Activities, Reverberations many parents took advantage of the invitation to sit in on • y school children's classes and observe first hand process and daily hubbub, Although this is an situation, one can get an idea of the strengths and of the classes. Thanks to the principals and teachers this chance. And thanks to the Junior and Senior High staff and for the Evening at School. BIRTHDAY ELY ECHO! You are a provocative. addition to the Ely scene. Even when Reverberations with editorial comments - for example, your October lasting the worthwhile cause of the United Way - we your right to speak out. Thank you for surprising us. nng us, and making us further aware of how lucky we are to MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY? play cast announced Happenmgs by Cheryl Maki JUNIOR SCOUT OUTING Seiners' Park was the sight of the Fall Junior Girl Scout Outing, Thursday. Sixty-five girls from grades fourth, fifth, and sixth attendet~the fun-packed outing. The girls, belonging to four Junior Troops, met at l0 a.m. to begin playing games and relays, singing, hiking and talking. Lunch was served with each of the troops supplying a portion of it. The highlight of the day was the pinning o| |he new members, the fourth graders, by their leaders. All the new members recited the Promise and the Laws during a pretty candlelight and flag ceremony. ear's Senior High drama production is planned to give Ely The merry-go-round was a great attraction as soon as the a real variety of drama. Three one-act plays will be photographer came around' The girls enjoyed their day at Seiners y and Friday, November 8 and 9. at 8:00 p.m.Park. century farce, a more serious dramatic play. and Theatre style production will make up the evening's Casts have been chosen and rehearsals are now in Tickets will be on sale soon and will also be available at ys of the performances. Rivals", a shortened version of Richard Brinsley farce has a cast of eight including Charlene Maki. Marolt Nina Garni. Susan Marsnik, Mark Cherne, John and Joe Schiltz. serious drama is the play "To Burn A Witch", a story of days. The cast is made up of Karen Schmieg¢. eWeir, Barbara Melby, and Cathy Grahek. Arden", a legend by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, will be a - being presented in Reader's Theatre style. The of this case are Debbie Toutloff, Cheryl Maki, Bob Mike Marn, Anne Marsnik, and Patty Peltikka. Schmiege is serving as assistant to the director and Miss Linda Wright• to support the schools drama program on either November I see this variety of dramatic productions, Girls receiviu~ their pins are: from Troop 1. Jeanette Vogel, ('aroline Likar. I)ebhie Jubie. Geraldine Vesel, .lulie Today. Dawn Stoll. Sharon Perry, Linda Marinello. Nancy Kerntz and Mara IIomer. Receiving pins from Troop t; are: B.uth Ann Pengal. Karen Pengal and Chris OIson. Troop 8 newly pinned Girl Scouts are: Susan Rheim Michelh' Markovich. Shelly Ronn. Kim Mai'etz. Denise Tekavitz. Nancy Soderberg, Patti llolets, Ruth Beland. Mar) ,%nn Skerjanc. Juilx Gardiep) and Michelle Zulmucich. 1"he ~irls Irom troo!) 12 that have just received their girl SCOlltS pins are: Joan l.indhohn. Brenda Netzer. Mary Kay I,arson. l.inda ilill. Donna Maki. Judy Wierh, ('athy Bonde. Becky ('afourek and ('risty Bonde. (*ongratulations to all the nev~ Girl Stunts'. COOKS AT WORK "Mmm. mmm good' " The Junior Scouts. under the direction of Mrs. Norbv and Mrs Follz. made batches ol no-baked I'ud~e balls al their Wednesday meeting. The girls thought the fudge was delicious and managed to sneak numerous mouthfuls each. The fudge halls were served al the Thursday outing and quickly disappeared after the lunch. The recipe used was: , ('up oatmeal ~_ cup peanut butler ~ cup Karo syrup - cup dry milk ': cqp powdered su~,ar ' cup either peanuls or chocolale chips Mix all ingredients to~ether thoroughb Roll mh) small balls and ~Prvc Ely EChO Ely, Mn. 55731 Oct. 24, 1973 4 T' '* i :f sisters. Song leaders were senior scouts Cheryl Maki and Susan Singing the Girl Scout songs are Susie Rhein and the Beaque Niemela. The girls all had an enjoyable day. The fourth grade girls received their pins~ They had a blast on thai glide: Ilere Merriane Skerjanc, helps the little one as Kris Torvin. and I)ebbie Tekavetz take their turns. "N The Fly Girl Scout Troop outing was held on Thursday. The girls enjoyed singing, playing, eating and had their flying-up ceremony The girls Anty-Antee-! Over with a football. Some of the girls here hw all fourth graders, llere thex art* in a circle singing their are Sandy Johnson, Kathy Beaque, Fay Norhy and Susie fawn'ite girl scout songs. Janeksala. Ca ptains are picking teams. ,g go O. a sure your home will cozy and warm, safe from winter's biting cold snow.~ ~ you can save on fuel and repair bills .~: ":'.,. • ••because there's still time now to INSULATE AND your home for winter! Q ,u C IBI Ill